Before your Vasectomy, there are some general things to be aware of, and ensure you following which your doctor will advise you.
- Prior to the procedure, please make sure you avoid aspirin, gingko, nurofen, fish oil as they increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.
- Please let the doctor know if you may be taking medications that may lead to increase bleeding or if you have a bleeding disorder.
- Please clip the hair as short as possible in the scrotal area prior to the vasectomy. The main area that needs to be clipped includes the anterior (front) and both sides of scrotal skin. Please also trim all hair at the base of the penis. No hair should be seen at the front of scrotum. There is no need to clip back of scrotum and inner thighs. Hair removing gel and waxing cause irritation to the skin and therefore not preferred, as inflamed skin increase risk of infection.
- Shower using anti-septic wash prior to the coming in for surgery which may help reduce post operative infections. Wear clean clothes including firm underwear for support after the surgery. Do not use powder, cream or gel on the scrotal region.
- Have a light meal on the day of the procedure unless you have chosen to have simple sedation, then you should be fasted for 6 hours prior to the procedure.
- You can drive yourself to and from the appointment as you only receive local anaesthetics. If you decide to have mild sedation, you will need to arrange transport home.
- Postpone surgery if you are suffering from any infection eg. chest, upper respiratory, skin infection.
- Bring a small bag of frozen peas or bag of ice. Alternatively ice packs are available from the clinic for $5.
Gentle sedation can be arranged to relax you prior to the procedure. Sedation will attract additional fees.
Why Choose Us?
- Dedicated Surgical procedure rooms to perform surgical procedures
- Effective technique with one opening
- Friendly staff and experienced doctor
- Doctor performed thousands of these procedures
- Private recovery areas post procedure

Contact Us for more Information
Get in touch with us regarding any questions you may have, or contact us on 07 3889 9120 to book a consultation.